The Push broom from MultiOne provides an economical solution to clear dirt on stables and farms, but it can be used to remove fallen leaves and other outdoor materials over a smaller area, like sidewalks or parking.
This push broom uses a simple design that creates minimal dust while preventing flying stones or other debris.
The brush is constructed from heavy-gauge polypropylene, providing long-lasting performance. There are two adjustable wheels that keep the height of the brush constant from the ground. The push broom is equipped with supports which can be extended when the broom is not in use, so that the push broom rests on the supports and the brush doesn’t get damaged during storage.
There are two slits where insert the pallet forks.
Note: the floating boom valve on machine is suggested.


  • Simple design creates minimal dust

  • Few moving parts means low maintenance

  • Works perfectly for horse stables, farms, other
    brushing applications